An interim Lawful Temporary Residence Permit (immigration status) shall be established, and issued upon application to any individual non-citizen within the United States who does not hold a Lawful Permanent Residence Permit (Green Card *).

The Lawful Temporary Residence Permit shall be identified by a Red Card. This status shall be in effect for a period of three years, or for such longer period as may be enacted. Each such individual must apply for his or her Trial Resident Permit by June 30, 2009.

The Lawful Temporary Residence Permit shall authorize the individual to reside within the United States, receive public services, attend public school (for those under the age of 16), and obtain employment within the United States, for a period of three years, that is, until July 1, 2012.

The Lawful Temporary Residence Permit shall terminate after summary hearing [beef up] upon the individual's noncompliance with the following conditions; or sooner upon other good cause after hearing related to the health and safety of third parties [beef up]: He or she must
  • obtain a valid State photographic identification or driver's license, which identification or license shall expire at the same time as the individual's Lawful Temporary Residence Permit
  • report and document valid address and employment status upon each change of address and employment;
  • remain free of conviction for any felony, or free of conviction for (3) misdemeanors as defined by the states in which such acts were committed;
  • for those over age 16, become self-supporting as defined by no application for public services or funding for a period of 8 months;
  • remain free of any restraining order in any State in excess of three such restraining orders;
  • or as the issuing authority may determine after public hearing.
Deportation hearings may commence at the pleasure of the issuing authority upon any of the foregoing trigger events. No public funds shall be required to be expended to provide legal counsel to any individual with Lawful Temporary Residence Permit. However, counsel may request a garnishment of future wages of the individual or such other measures in order to obtain payment upon such reasonable terms as the issuing authority, or hearing officer, shall determine.

Each individual holding the Lawful Temporary Residence Permit shall apply for a Lawful Permanent Residence Permit within the three year trial period; or for such other status as may be in effect at the termination of his or her three year trial period, this leaving open further determinations by legislatures and other governmental authorities.

Persons failing to comply with the requirement for Lawful Temporary Residence Permit holders to apply for Lawful Permanent Residence Permit status; or whose application is denied by the issuing authority, may be, at the determination of the issuing authority, deported upon summary hearing to his or her country of origin.

Idea: Provide time for further discussion, terminate immediate deportation or arrest oriented activities at state or federal level pending that discussion. Dealing with borders not addressed. Addresses issue of condoning illegal entries by not reasonably closing borders to this point.


* Green Card (immigration status) - Lawful Permanent Residence Permit: See US Citizenship and Immigration Services at

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1. Medicare, medicaid as severance package. Raise the "thank you" for your service to a level promoting quality of life, stability. 

Private industry pays at high levels in its severance packages, so that social security, medicare and medicaid become icing on the cake. To others, that is all they have, if even that. To the younger workers, does that perception add to social instability, that the worker is being colonized by the wealthy in our own country. And the not-wealthy who fear that the rise of others jeopardizes their quality of life, feed fear into the opposition. Start with fixing life's end.

2. Calculate what private industry pays out in severance packages, mere thank-you's, since the person has been paid to that date for actual work.  Take 10 years, divide by 10.

Amy Coney Barrett.

A small discipline of blank verse to show

That the Genes Front and Center measurement

For nomination of Amy-Karen

Has not escaped notice of underlings.

Priority not problem-solving, but to impose personal prejudices.

No other candidates were interviewed.

Politics are tropics in a bubble;  Building adornment, Hamburg, Germ

Tucked in here is blank verse, a world bubble, where ten syllables require discipline.

The functioning rudder holds a course. The Woodward Rule on Metaphor,Hyperbole

Bob Woodward reports in a book that a medical expert, Dr. Fauci, spoke of the president as a rudderless leader. Dr. Fauci says he does not recall using that word. Is Bob Woodward to be faulted for using the term?  No. Check an online wizard for a start, at 



The Four Freedoms were laid out years ago by President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Freedom of speech, fof worship, freedom from want, and from fear. See  To this, women of the world (WOW!) have the opportunity to add the Fifth Freedom:  Freedom from the Grope. 

The Fifth Freedom.

Consider: American tradition of revolts, protests. Now, a MAGA slogan used to put down the peasantry. 

Reframe MAGA.  Peasants-in-effect are again in revolt against the authoritarianism of those in power. Europe is long familiar with peasant revolts, with the nobility, clerics and military of old feudal systems prevailing most of the time, or later regaining what they lost.

The president has abdicated.  The president has abdicated indeed.  The president has abdicated. The president has abdicated indeed. From turning his back on addressing the devastation of coronavirus, to enforcing laws of perjury, to depriving the people of healthcare, mobility and sustenance which has the effect of breaking the will, the president has abdicated.  T

1. Parallel to parental rights.  They can be relinquished, and the child abandoned or neglected.

Political persuasion communications, such as tweets, that are sent to individual or media followers shall be deemed confidential to such individual or media for purposes of treatment of retweets.

Any retweet or summary of such tweet by such follower shall be deemed to be a political contribution to the politician, and subject to the disclosure and limits of such.

1.  The poet. Mary Hall 1843-1927, Connecticut's first woman lawyer, see is known commonly now for a particular poem: found on funeral home memory cards. Turn Again to Life. It is often read at events marking a passing: including at the funeral of Princess Diana. *  See 

2. The lawyer. She made her mark in law and philanthropy.

The Botch Card Law.

A small but deserved remediation for governmental blunder.

Whereas:  Every government action must be preceded by planning, including funding, to avoid egregiously abusive results for persons detained while their circumstantial and other immigration bona fides are processed according to law.  Planning also includes remediation consequences.
Roadside field, somewhere between Quebec and Montreal.
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